Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Malaysia Week

My first Malaysia Week I went to Pulau Besar, an island off the southeast coast of Malaysia. Pulau Besar is one of the survival sites. The bus ride was about 6 hours drive and we had a one hour boat ride. where you get thrown off a boat and you have to swim and survive on a deserted island.

The first day we went hiking and went to the beach. The hike took like two hours, and when we finished there was a little beach with big waves that we played in. The next day we had swim to the island and survive. We had to make our own food, own shelter, and fire. To make our shelter we used bayou and string. When we had all of are bayou up we put a big orange tarp above it. When we got our shelter we made our fire to cook our food. We ate fish, chicken, pancakes, and vegetables. That night we slept in our shelter that we made and I slept the whole night. This week is something I will remember.

Malaysia Week

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thai Boxing!!!

This Christmas we went to Bangkok,Thailand. Something we saw in Bangkok was Thai boxing, but as the Thai people call it Muay Thai. We sat in VIP seats. There weren't that good but they are better then the stands. They were worth it because you a good view of the arena. The first fight was kids our age. It was ok but there was no really no one got really hurt. The last two fights were the best because there was really some boxers did get really hurt. The second last was between two heavy weight boxers, but one of them was French Which is weird. The French guy was really big. He hit so hard that his opponent had a broken rib. The last fight of the day was not as cool as the other fight but one guy knocked over because a guy kneed him the face. So that's my story of Muay Thai Thailand!!!